Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sm Entertainment Audition

Saturday, May 30, 2009
80's Aerobic Instructors
Well, after a looong time I return to my blog. I walked quite busy with crafts and half-hearted, but for a few days I'm starting again, he first played the tatting, and now the px.
This virgin is for my princess, of course it is not mounted yet, but will soon be available, however take the opportunity to show why I love how it looks.
virginWhen I saw this I instantly fell in love and decided to stitch it to Helena. Well I hope you like it and soon we (I have started my next little job)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Dancing Raisins Clip Art
- First, I want to thank a lot of Lucia Lux Di Lune by "Blog Award Vampire get me very excited because I love vampires, and soon it was noticed on the blog Lucia D thank you very much, we are reading!
"Blog Award Vampire
The award has some rules:
- who should place delivered, and deliver it to 3 posts vampire.
-should bring 3 things they like (no matter gender)
- Read, D
- Sleep Being internet but do not do anything special xD
-should put his three favorite books of vampires.
- .- The Twilight Saga Stephenie Meyer Midnight
- (Addiction I have not read but which I also love) .- Claudia Gray
- The Silver Kiss Annette Curtis Klause
- Katia also of Atrapalibros 3 prizes awarded me a few days but as they enter the blog did not see them not until she told me, here are these other 3 awards. Katia many thanks you too, I love your blog entries always so interesting and good books. You are sisters of Template for your blog lol: D
Prize with Life Blog "
Award Thank you for your friendship"
Award Thank you for being part of my world "

Award Blog with style
-Grant award to the number of people you want. These prizes were handed to the 3 posts that name before;)
-Notify in Cbox.
-posting on his blog for all to see
Friday, May 15, 2009
Christmas Wrapping Ideas
- The first is the "7 Things Rare Prize About Me" award for Kyra The space whisper groove . Kyra, thank you very much, you have a super cute blog!

The rules are:
- say who has given you the prize.
- Say 7 weird things about you.
1 .- When I have a very deep feeling (hatred, anger, happiness, even love), I take the first book I see the Twilight saga and look for some phrase that comforts me.
2 .- Many times compared to people I know with some character from a book.
3 .- I can spend several weeks eating pasta of any kind, cannelloni, spaghetti, lasagna, etc. xD
4 .- I always fall pens and pencils in school.
5.- Definitivamente no puedo esconder mis emociones... :P
6.- Me siento mal si un dia no entro a Crepusculo Meyer ;)
- Entregar el premio a otros 7 blogs.
Este premio se lo entrego a:
1. Frannie
2. Lisa
3. KI
4. Katia
5. Katy
6. Clara
- And now, here are the other awards given by Angi of Queen of the Night . Angi, I am also very grateful for all these awards, I love your blog for all the imagination you have. : D
Prize blog alive "

" blog Friendship Award "

Prize perfect blog"

Award "blog style"

Award of childhood nostalgia "

" Blog Award gold

Prize literary cocoon "

Award this blog is a gem "

" Friendship Award "

These awards are for all readers of this blog, because everyone deserves a prize so do not feel bad to take them all or only some, because they are for you! : D
So enjoy your prizes!