I received from Sara and Inma of Our stuff blog. It is a precious cup, and is more beautiful still because they give me. They are two exceptional people, mother and daughter, they do a wonderful job and I recommend that you see, because they are all amazing. Visit Him in your blog , so you will know what I mean. I would like to know so many things and so different, as they do. My admiration for them is infinite. Thank you for this award-mime, Inma and Sara:).
The rules of this mime say seven things about me, nobody knows, and give my time mime to five friends-blogs.
So ... proceed:
1 - In addition to embroidery, crochet and whatever of work, I love reading. Read everything, but what I like, are romance novels, which can be romantic, historical, romantic, contemporary or paranormal romance (the latter are gaining ground lately, haha) on my blog at the bottom right you have many links to sites where you can read this kind of literature.
2 - Another of my hobbies is I love photoshop! and I am self-taught, or I'm so stubborn I learn without looking at doing things the time it takes to get it right ... but I still have much to learn and little time. It is a somewhat complicated matter.
3 - I love the series. English and foreign. Right now I'm hooked on The Ship, Angel or Demon, Gran Reserva Red Eagle ...¡¡¡¡!, Central Hospital, and foreign, from Trauma, Bones, House, Vampire Chronicles, Flash Forward, and some more out there ...
4 - The Film! I've always cinephile, and now even if you are both (this is somewhat expensive) I still like very much to watch a movie on the big screen. I'm waiting for Saturday to go see Invasion of Earth (you see that mine is the science fiction)
5 - My favorite actor, and for that I'm in mourning, is Patrick Swayze. My two favorite movies are yours, Ghost, and Dirty Dancing.
6 - I love the meringue pies me crazy! (Also why Inman and Sarah have all my admiration of what cakes are my God, it seems they are saying, eat me, eat me! From blog !
7 - Live in A Coruña from 40 years ago (I have 50 ), but was born in Ourense, in a small village called As Regadas (hence my email) in the region of Ribadavia, who always want to go back and I want to finish. I could not live without going every so often to my people check your vineyards, and its people, which are almost all my family:).
And there my things. Now it split the mime-Prize of the cup, and attach it to the blogs of:
- Imogene Imogene "The corner of
- Sonia Morón-seam Club
- Pepa-De punt of creu
- Eugenia Handmade
- Lilian Pilar "My point and cross
- Rosy-Crochet Rosy
The rules of this mime say seven things about me, nobody knows, and give my time mime to five friends-blogs.
So ... proceed:
1 - In addition to embroidery, crochet and whatever of work, I love reading. Read everything, but what I like, are romance novels, which can be romantic, historical, romantic, contemporary or paranormal romance (the latter are gaining ground lately, haha) on my blog at the bottom right you have many links to sites where you can read this kind of literature.
2 - Another of my hobbies is I love photoshop! and I am self-taught, or I'm so stubborn I learn without looking at doing things the time it takes to get it right ... but I still have much to learn and little time. It is a somewhat complicated matter.
3 - I love the series. English and foreign. Right now I'm hooked on The Ship, Angel or Demon, Gran Reserva Red Eagle ...¡¡¡¡!, Central Hospital, and foreign, from Trauma, Bones, House, Vampire Chronicles, Flash Forward, and some more out there ...
4 - The Film! I've always cinephile, and now even if you are both (this is somewhat expensive) I still like very much to watch a movie on the big screen. I'm waiting for Saturday to go see Invasion of Earth (you see that mine is the science fiction)
5 - My favorite actor, and for that I'm in mourning, is Patrick Swayze. My two favorite movies are yours, Ghost, and Dirty Dancing.
6 - I love the meringue pies me crazy! (Also why Inman and Sarah have all my admiration of what cakes are my God, it seems they are saying, eat me, eat me! From blog !
7 - Live in A Coruña from 40 years ago (I have 50 ), but was born in Ourense, in a small village called As Regadas (hence my email) in the region of Ribadavia, who always want to go back and I want to finish. I could not live without going every so often to my people check your vineyards, and its people, which are almost all my family:).
And there my things. Now it split the mime-Prize of the cup, and attach it to the blogs of:
- Imogene Imogene "The corner of
- Sonia Morón-seam Club
- Pepa-De punt of creu
- Eugenia Handmade
- Lilian Pilar "My point and cross
- Rosy-Crochet Rosy