The first two meanings of the word easy according to the Royal English Academy.
1. Adj. What can be done without much effort.
2. That can happen very likely
Now the meaning of the word difficult according to the same source:
1. adj. is not achieved, perform or understand sinmucho
Why? Well yesterday talking with the husband of R which is very cool but sometimes very stubborn, alegabamos about how our decisions affect the environment. Due to my frequent insomnia now I wander in more reflection and thought and I found this. MAVA
To solve Sudoku is very easy while writing comments on facebook is very difficult.
parent is very easy for me to walk all the time fixed starting place and yet it is very difficult to find time to relax.
For my father is very easy to sell sand in the desert but it is very difficult stand cheek.
Pedro is very easy to cook but it is very difficult to talk when you have a problem.
to everyone how easy and how difficult it is to do with the development of their skills, goals to be achieved and the level of commitment you have with the proposed objective.
The ideas so far seem vague in this post, but here the core issue dle. I decided that my son would use cloth diapers and the husband of R has a long list of cons of this decision. All refutable from my point of view.
"You're pulling a lot of water * Not true, because it uses and pollutes more water to make disposable diapers that I use to wash the fabric to reuse for washing the patio orinadoi for my dogs and for watering the garden for its low content of soap
-You spend a lot of water and you'll upload receipt * Not true, because the amount of water that I ever played as the lowest power consumption is about my real, full load of diapers a day if and day out, can not increase my water bill.
- It is best to seek a solution as the recycling of disposable diapers to convince people use cloth diapers * mean? How? I have always believed that it is less mess, no more sweeping.
of their arguments is very true that it is very difficult to change the attitude of someone when you have the comfort of a product, that I totally agree. My major argument is that people who scream clucking, bracelets with slogans used ecological believe that is enough.
known that I am not tie my au extreme environmentalist tree, but I am not environmentalist lies that tell how sletrita nomas listing under "Do not litter" is to act and do what is in our hands.
Well they say that if things are worth the would be easy either. Example of virtue I am not only trying to show my example of how there things that if you can do that really are not that difficult a question of attitude.
Sorry if the arguments in this post were a little chaotic, I think the post in my bed and then I have to write a dark and quiet when my child is asleep.
Image taken from here (looks interesting posts a day I get to read it)
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