Saturday, June 27, 2009

Can You Take Exedrin Migraine With Nifedipine

You see, I am absent again, a thousand pardons, but I happen to be the most difficult weeks in school (exam time) but at least I went out of this hell xD and return with a prize awarded me Kati of Atrapalibros Thanks Kati!

And also a very fun challenge by Angi of La Reina de la Noche and consists of the following:

  1. Take the book closest to you.
  2. Open it by page 161.
  3. Find the 5 th sentence (complete).
  4. cites the phrase in the blog. Pass
  5. five other blogs.

The book is Dawn of Stephenie Meyer ;) and the phrase is:

"Notice how Edward's face became more sad and serious, and nodded once."

And blogs chosen for the challenge and the prizes are:

  1. Kathy
  2. Deigo
  3. MarĂ­a del Carmen
  4. Kira Katy

Thanks to Angi and Kati and enjoy the rewards!


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