Well, I'm done The first objective of this salt so pretty C'est la vie. For the record, I made a mess of twigs, that neither you imagine:) I had to undo and do occasionally and even then in some other branch I was wrong, but among the many branches or notice;)
I was I really enjoyed it and was quite fast, and that if, without taking off the eye of the scheme if I skipped any branch.
only need another goal and you're done. The truth is that I can not wait to see it finished. Hope you like it. Besin! ;)
I was I really enjoyed it and was quite fast, and that if, without taking off the eye of the scheme if I skipped any branch.
only need another goal and you're done. The truth is that I can not wait to see it finished. Hope you like it. Besin! ;)
Contagious Joy Award
Rakel and Mom Blog bags, Gloria and her blog Moments in cross stitch and blog Edeswais and Edelwais The loft, I have been given the seal of Contagious Joy. Is an award that I am very excited to be just that, happy! Thank you very much both. Do not fail to visit their blogs, are two artists and their beautiful work you will find helpful.
This award comes with a set consisting of:
- Move the stamp on the blog.
- Name of the blog that happens.
- 5 Share it with assiduous followers.
- Share it with 5 recent followers.
- Insert a phrase, or music that is joyful event
positive or I will offer it to all friends who visit my blog, because you all still have not found any that is not beautiful and happy. So as you all deserve it, Take it and llevároslo to your houses from me and my baby:)
The phrase glad that I set for this award is:
not ever stop smiling, not even when you sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
is a phrase that I liked very much and also he is right. Many besin to all!
This award comes with a set consisting of:
- Move the stamp on the blog.
- Name of the blog that happens.
- 5 Share it with assiduous followers.
- Share it with 5 recent followers.
- Insert a phrase, or music that is joyful event
positive or I will offer it to all friends who visit my blog, because you all still have not found any that is not beautiful and happy. So as you all deserve it, Take it and llevároslo to your houses from me and my baby:)
The phrase glad that I set for this award is:
not ever stop smiling, not even when you sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
is a phrase that I liked very much and also he is right. Many besin to all!
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