My son is the most beautiful eyes of the universe integer, and if you do not believe me see the tiny picture that I share. In addition to beautiful eyes is a beautiful look full of tenderness, very expressive.
My dad and I have brown eyes, my mom and my brother blue. I like my eyes, even myopic, and I like the way I like the color. Throughout my life people who know me then you know my mom or my brother do the same question: "Oh!" And that did not take out your blue eyes? " Which I have always earned churro, I love the color of my eyes, but always be answering those questions. I say if you select out the way you prefer to have inherited my mother's body: Flaca (but not blonde eh? I love my dark hair)
I was born with gray eyes (So \u200b\u200bsays my mom) and 6 months alos made my coffee. I thought the BB would be the same, but apparently not every day that passes I see the eyes less gray and more blue. There are many people who miss the fact that I want so fervently that I had brown eyes, for those people is this post. The blue eyes of my bb fascinate me, what I hate is the situation I describe below and which will be repeated many times throughout life.
Imagine that I find a "friend" (ie those that are known but not friends) it will be A and I will be L and the following occurs:
but your beautiful baby!
A-And you have colored eyes!!
L-I color I have also
A - Really? I had not noticed (and eyes turned to me) is not true! The cafes have
L "Coffee is a color, brown
A-your husband are blue?
L-No also has cafes (And here I offer a look at the sky because I hate that conversation)
left your family because you see your mom and have them ... look what luck!
L-(I think but not tell) Good luck for what? Qu Lucky is healthy, which is beautiful, but would be just as beautiful with brown eyes
L-(if I say this) if
A-Too bad you do not really touched
L-( mother's mind mind) My dad says that where there is no beauty brown eyes
A-well because he does not have blue
L-(reluctantly) aha
know this conversation repetita thousands of times, that's what shocks me. But I fscina everything in my son loves me
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